Saturday, September 27, 2008

Why do we have to write and review our goals consistently?

Do we realize how early in life one recognizes those with or without any goals in life? Reflect back to let's say the days in High School. All that talk and gossip about what the other person seemed to focus on is an attempt to identify individuals who for example, are conforming to the objective of being in school i.e. to learn.

Can we will agree that there are some students whose goals does not seem to match the primary reason for being in school? Even at that age and maturity, we seem to be able to make the distinction between those who recognize that basic reason for being in school which is to learn; and those who for example, who always want to be recognized based on what kind of name brand clothing they wear and not how they fare academaically.But that is how early we start to develop a sense of setting goals in life.It mostly depends on the stage of your "life cycle."

As we grow and mature,we may or may not recognize the need to distinguish our goals which could be based on family and home, financial and career, spiritual and ethical, physical and health, social and cultural,mental and educational (Donohue, 2007).

It seems to get more complicated as we grow and also dependent on what commitments we decide to make in life. That is why I agree with Donohue that we must write down our goals and consistently refer to them.Writing goals down will serve as a constant reminder and help to achieve them. I don't know about you. But do you think writing down your goals will help you achieve them better?

Donohue, G. (n.d.). Goal setting: Powerful written goals in 7 easy steps! Retrieved September 27, 2008, through


James Lutz said...

I think my goals changed radically when I got married and had 2 children. I remember taking better care of myself after my sons were born, and saving diligently for their college and our retirement. I wonder if my goals would have been as focused if I did not have the responsibility of a family. Now, I cannot separate my personal goals now from my family goals. I think you're right - our goals need to be reviewed often since they can change over time.
Jim Lutz

Nii said...

I totally agree with you Jim. But do you thinking if you wrote down your goals that would have made any difference?